What is
The main feature of self-dialysis is that it allows you to self-manage your dialysis schedule and ensure a sufficient amount of dialysis. Performing sufficient dialysis (ensuring a large number of dialysis sessions and time) is useful for improving your physical condition and reducing the risk of complications.
Self-dialysis is based on the concept of HDP (dialysis volume) theory, which evaluates the amount of dialysis by quantifying it, and the number of times and time of dialysis is increased compared to conventional dialysis, and the patient performs dialysis on his or her own with the aim of increasing HDP.
Please do it. Increasing the amount of dialysis can improve your physical condition to a state similar to that of a healthy person and reduce the risk of complications compared to standard dialysis treatment (dialysis performed three times a week for 4 hours each time). It is expected that the results will be highly effective.
Performing dialysis yourself has the benefit of deepening your understanding of dialysis and being able to respond on your own in the event of a disaster, but for patients, it is not only important to see the numerical effects, but also to feel the physical condition. Many people say that they feel better, feel better, and have a more positive outlook.

This self-dialysis system was awarded the Good Focus Award (New Business Design) in 2024. It was recognized for its ability to provide flexible scheduling and ensure adequate dialysis volume, contributing to improved health outcomes.
About HDP
(hemodialysis products)
In hemodialysis, it is one of the important indicators for evaluating the amount of dialysis.
This index was proposed by Dr. Belding H. Scribner, who is also the founder of modern dialysis medicine.
This index of dialysis efficiency is evaluated using a formula calculated based on the patient's clinical symptoms.
The formula for calculating HDP (dialysis amount) is as follows.
(Duration of 1 dialysis) x (Number of dialysis per week) x (Number of dialysis per week)
It is believed that the higher the HDP value, the better the patient's prognosis,
and it is generally recommended to keep this value above 70.
Effects of
Self-dialysis can ease dietary restrictions and improve physical condition, which is difficult with conventional dialysis treatment.
Additionally, long-term health benefits are expected, including reduced risk of complications and improved life expectancy.
Relaxation of
diet therapy
Ensuring sufficient dialysis volume (HDP) through long or frequent dialysis will improve the amount of phosphorus removed and lower serum phosphorus levels. Therefore, fewer dietary restrictions are expected compared to standard dialysis treatment.
Reducing the risk of complications
The Japanese Society for Dialysis Medicine has announced that increasing the number of dialysis hours per week and ensuring a sufficient dialysis volume (HDP) is effective against the occurrence of complications. By improving the state of the body to a state closer to that of a healthy body, it can be expected to reduce the risk of long-term complications, as well as eliminate daily problems such as blood pressure fluctuations, leg cramps, and itching during dialysis.
Improvement of life expectancy
In addition to reducing the risk of complications, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Medicine has also announced that ensuring a sufficient amount of dialysis leads to improved prognosis (life expectancy). Considering the reduction of the risk of events and complications, we can naturally expect an improvement in life prognosis. This effect is also introduced in HDP theory.
on self-dialysis
Self-dialysis was born in Europe and America and is contributing to improving the health and freedom of patients.
Our self-dialysis center (SDC) provides a comfortable environment, equipped with reclining chairs, semi-private rooms, and high-speed Wi-Fi. By performing dialysis in a highly flexible environment and equipment, we aim to improve your health and quality of life.